Captain’s log……….
Thank you for being here!
I am excited and grateful you are here searching for more information.
I will be sharing details based on 23 years of clinical practice with the most amazing people I know. Kind of like the ‘hindsight is 20/20’ expression. I am simply sharing my hindsight! Those hard-learned lessons! Grrr.
In this place, you will find speech therapy experiences, clinical eBooks, case studies, and a gorgeous boutique! Good.Better.Best. is my mission. If it isn’t American-made, handmade, and artistic; you will not find it in this boutique. The speech therapy materials included in the “shop” are exclusively chosen because I have used them for years in my practice.
I am currently working on an eBook titled ‘Bruxism’. Interesting topic for sure. I have a Dyslexia eBook written and available for downloading. I hope you enjoy it!
You will find more information on being healthy, happy, and informed. I intend to spread love & happiness as much as possible. Life is too short for anything less.
Gratitude must be given to the places I use for the artwork on this site: Creative Market! Love it! The most amazing artists are there. Also, Laine Sutherland is the website creator. If you need website work, Laine is an excellent resource:
As far as Captain’s log….goes: I just can not sit down and start writing without saying: Captain’s log….this comes from growing up and hearing the famous words of Captain Kirk every night! So funny.
Until next time.